- 父母
- 场地安全和停车
The College prioritises the safety of students, parents/carers and staff. We ask that people use our car parks with extreme caution and without putting their own and other lives at risk.
Unfortunately, car parking space at, and around the College is extremely limited. To improve safety, we are introducing some new measures, effective from 1 September 2023.
The small car park at College House, is reserved for designated staff and visitors only.
Please be aware that members of senior staff/JCG SLT may need to leave and return to the site during their working day – visitors are therefore asked not to park in these spaces at any time. Thank you. Arrangements at the main College car park, accessed from Mont Millais are as follows:
- There is no permitted parking for students. Barriers will be installed this week, ready to be put into operation from September. Students have been made aware of this. Our Site Team will be on hand every morning once the shutters are open, to help enforce this.
Our Upper/Rear car park is reserved for JCG staff only
The barriers will be there to prevent unauthorised access. Staff are reminded to ensure this car park is full before seeking alternative parking. They have parking permits and key fobs/cards to access. -
Our Underground/Basement car park is designated for use by parents/carers
to drop off/collect JCG and/or JCP students. Parents/carers are respectfully asked not to park and block other vehicles into spaces.
To prevent unauthorised parking, the shutters* have been automated to open at 07:45 and stay open until 09:00. They will then be closed during the school day, opening again at 14:15 in time for picking up students. Unless there is an evening event, the shutters will close by 18:00 each day. The opening and closing of shutters will be adjusted accordingly for events during the school day, e.g., plays and assemblies.*There is a traffic light system on the wall as you approach the car park
this indicates when the shutters are open (green light) or closed (red light). Please do not proceed down the ramp when the red light is displayed. - 下方/前方 (Bus-bay)停车场主要用于巴士。
- In the morning (8:00 – 8:45 am) to drop off students attending JCG, JCP, VCJ, VCP, Hautlieu, Beaulieu and De La Salle.
- In the afternoon (15:15 – 15:45 pm) to park in the designated bays to collect students from the above schools.
- All parents/carers are asked to ensure they do not prevent access to/parking for buses during the times displayed and shared above. Our staff will direct parents/carers to a suitable and available parking space if they wish to park their vehicle whilst escorting children to/from JCP and/or JCG.
The car park off Claremont Road (north of the JCP building) is reserved for JCP staff only.
- Parents/carers are asked to use the Underground/Basement car park at Jersey College for Girls, Mont Millais, to drop off and pick up children in the mornings and afternoons. A crossing patrol officer is on duty on Claremont Road from 08:00 until 08:50 am and again from 14:40 to 15:15.
- The Admin car park, near the administration offices, is designated parking for administration staff and disabled drivers only. It can be used to drop off or collect pupils only between 09:00 and 14:30.
- Please do not drop off on Claremont Road itself. We continue to discuss the installation of a drop-off/pick-up zone with our colleagues at CYPES.
Please do not leave your engine running…
We ask that drivers do not leave their engine running unnecessarily, e.g., when parked on our site, waiting to pick up your child/ren, etc.
Engine idling:
- is illegal – Rule 123 of The Highway Code states that drivers must not leave a vehicle engine running unnecessarily while the vehicle is stationary.
- increases the amount of exhaust fumes in the air, which are bad for the environment and contributes towards climate change. Exhaust fumes are also linked to asthma and other lung diseases.
We have reviewed and refreshed our car park signage, height restrictions etc. over the summer to ensure information is shared clearly.
Why are you swapping the upper and lower car park usage?
We listened to feedback from both parents, carers and staff at JCG. The lower car park is wider so creates more space for vehicles to pass any parked vehicles. Also, there is cover from inclement weather which is of particular benefit to parents with babies and small children.
What if I need help?
If you are in the car park and need assistance, please call the JCG school office on 516200.
Keeping everyone safe, when they are on our site, is very important to us. For that reason, we ask that everyone in our school community will help and support us with these procedures. We want our parents/carers to know that they can come to talk to us - our relationship with you is very important. However, we do ask that you adhere to our systems for access to and within the campus.
We believe that car park safety in all school settings is crucial for protecting students, managing traffic, ensuring pedestrian safety, maintaining security and fostering positive parental engagement. We hope that with the introduction of these latest changes and prioritising safety measures, we are creating a conducive environment that promotes the well-being of everyone within the school community.
Additionally, we want to emphasise our zero-tolerance policy towards rudeness and aggression directed at our staff members. Any individuals found engaging in such behaviour will be prohibited from accessing the campus. We believe that treating all members of our community with respect and consideration is essential for fostering a safe and supportive environment for everyone.
Vehicles are parked at the owner's risk. The College accepts no responsibility for loss, damage, or theft.